Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Universal Nature of Art

Creativity is within all human beings. While it’s different for each individual, the desire to make, create and build things is an innate desire within us all. Creativity is what helps us express ourselves and show our feelings. The creative mind is what makes the tools and structures necessary for us to live.

Look at everything around you. Everything that is manmade was first created within someone’s mind. Then it was planned out on paper or the computer, and then physically made. It really is amazing when you think about it. Art is all around us in a million different forms, at all times.

Art studio of Lee Hammond | ArtistsNetwork.com

We’re all different in how we express our creativity. Some create with numbers, some with music, and some construct with tools. Others create visually through graphics and fine art. I’m one of the lucky ones, for I make a life and a living based on my art, and my endless desire to create pretty things.

I’m also lucky to be a teacher, for I attract students of all ages, genders and cultures. With my books and DVDs now being offered worldwide due to the technological world we live in, I have fans from all over the world. I can now communicate with people that I never would have known existed just 20 years ago when I first began. It still amazes me when I receive an email from a fan clear across the world!

From India to Kansas

I’m always intrigued by the amount of diversity in my world. In my Kansas studio, I have the pleasure of teaching a group of ladies who are from India. Each week, we compare stories of our childhoods, families, school experiences and cultures. I’ve learned so much from them, and have had my eyes opened to different approaches as it pertains to life. It has been one of the most meaningful groups of friends I’ve ever had.

A charming woman from China recently came to take a five-day painting class. She was fascinating–we exchanged facts and stories, comparing our lives. She was very patient with my questions about her homeland, and was happy to share her stories. One of the ladies from India was also there, so the conversation they had together was very interesting.

Last month I had a young man from Mexico in the studio, along with an older gentleman whose heritage was of Spain and Puerto Rico. Both of these men offered wonderful ideas and excitement to the studio environment. Once inside the studio, we all become one. Our differences disappear, and we are just friends enjoying art.

Lee Hammond and art students | ArtistsNetwork.com

I check my emails and Facebook messages after my classes, and I’m always thrilled to see letters from people all over the world. Recently, I’ve had correspondences from Iran, Canada, Turkey, Africa, Newfoundland, England, New Zealand and Australia. It’s amazing to me to be in touch with so many interesting people, all sharing with me their love for art, from homes so far away.

What astounds me the most is that while our culture, religions and lifestyles are vastly different, our love of art is all the same. Regardless of location, the questions they ask me as a mentor are the same. The problems they encounter while learning to draw or paint are the same. And their desire to achieve a result with their art is the same. All of us are in this artistic pursuit together, and it seems to me that art is truly the great equalizer. We all see the beauty. We all feel the tug of excitement when we create something we never thought we could. We all love what we do with our art, and always want to do more.

Whether art is a means to make money to feed their family, to create gifts for people they love, or to lose themselves in their art to avoid the hardships of a war-torn country, the love of art is the same. It comes from the heart. How lucky am I to be able to help people all over the world achieve their dreams?

For all of you from different lands, who follow my career and use my books to learn from, I thank you. Thank you for being a fan. But most of all, thank you for being the unique, special person that you are! Keep the fan letters coming, and tell me about your life and art experiences. It’s important to the happiness of the entire planet, that we all share this beautiful gift called “art.”

Yes, we are all in this together!

Lee Hammond has been called the Queen of Drawing. That may not be fair these days, since in addition to providing the best drawing lessons, she has also created fantastic books and videos filled with the same easy to follow acrylic painting techniques, colored pencil techniques and more. Click here to see all of the instructional books and DVDs that Lee Hammond has to offer!

The post The Universal Nature of Art appeared first on Artist's Network.

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